... not a new and unknown tribes of the Amazon, but the generations born in the cradle with your computer, what, just to understand, know how to call Mom via phone without even knowing how to speak. On the topic of
digital generation - wandering here and there I discover that are also called Millennial or DN (acronym for Digital Native) - Last Friday we held a conference at Bicocca (one of the seats of the State University of Milan).
Finally after so long a busy morning, with great mental satisfaction , who saw me doing acrobatics by jumping between the logical forms of expression of DN and the proposals for adjustment of DI - digital immigrants, even those technologies in learning or that we are forced now because the world runs so.
New paradigms of teaching for teachers and educational models for parents. And a book: Digital kids. How children use computers and how they might use it parents and teachers.
kidnapped now are ...:) What are
welcome new challenges. To share the great times in just a little;)
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