Friday, March 4, 2011

Eyetoy Namtai Drivers


Thorny. Speaking of the book by Simone Perotti is very tricky. But I'll try it too because, if taken from the wrong, it is a satisfactory text. Again, just know to take.
Otherwise I would have no difficulty in qualifying annoyingly hypocritical.
br> from the title, in fact, the cover , a masterpiece of strategic marketing, the two parts of the subtitle (the same body, upper, white on a green sea) carefully placed as the opening and closing the cover, the title (same Subtitle style but larger body) clearly legible at the top of the page. This is the "summons" of the three elements:

- Leave the work and change their lives
- Enough
- Philosophy and strategy of those who have made

Nothing to say, a beginning that makes you want (in brackets, the author's name, in italics, white blue field almost disappears, you hardly notice it, there apparently leaning nonchalantly).

hooked by such simple complexity is passed to read the back cover with its review: "We have had enough. Working to consume does not make you happy. We all know, but how to get out? Changing life seems too hard a choice. Impossible. But no. The downshifting (climbing gear, slow down ") is a social phenomenon that affects millions of people around the world (also because of the crisis). [...] The revolution we need it from us, taking up our lives to be finally free [...] ".

Sublime. Pure marketing. There are all the elements to make us say yes (yes, persuasion is an art).
Have you noticed how the magic word ("crisis") is entered with seeming indifference to exploit the uncertainty of the moment? And how do you leverage on the number ("millions", a word that evokes not well identified multitudes of people, as well as money) to stimulate unconscious reactions? And then final gem, the autonomy and freedom ... the much-longed.

Too bad then all the promises of the fourth vanish like snow in the sun. Because the author has not only been a manager for 19 years (which is cited in hit and run in the penultimate line of the biography in the fourth, after carefully slipped a list of books published - if ecchissenefrega is also a writer - web project, and I quote, "some other casual work), but it was one of the most active managers (and overpaid add) of" Milano da 80s. The classic "rampant enterprising young man" who is "leaps and bounds in debut society, "as sung then a young Luca Barbarossa (at least from what emerges by reading it).

life so easy! Tell that to those who must live with a thousand euro a month (if not less) than do the downshifting is possible! To those who may not even have a degree, let alone one or more master (as assumed by the author). Or who's got his degree but lives! It also tells you that his book is dedicated to those who earn at least € 3,500 (net) per month!

Here. We arrived at the turning point . If you stop here, "arrogant, undemocratic, stinging, irritating and annoying" are just some of the adjectives suitable to describe this book.
But if you can not stay annoyed for a while and forget ', if you can read the words for what they are, without bias of caste, oh, then you discover a whole new world !
Because the basic idea is really good, because Simone Perotti has the intellectual honesty to tell it like it is, very clearly, and warns against the dangers of approximations and superficiality. Because its strategic plan is well studied, far-sighted and accettabilissimo for people not particularly wealthy. It has many very interesting ideas.

Simone Perotti, Enough , Chiarelettere, 2009

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