Write Reviews and find yourself
I confess: I started this book with skepticism. Two items that I have misled: the title and subtitle. Let me explain why this is a rather ' valuable work that the Board also who is not particularly attracted to write (more or less creative).
I purchased the book a decade ago, perhaps intrigued by the title. Only the other day but I decided: a great sigh and opened the first page. And then the second, third ... And then as you go I realized that there was something different from what I expected.
First Title (Italian): Write and discover yourself. A taste (vaguely) of psychoanalysis, or at least intimate, a little 'personal diary, a little' writing psychotherapy. This impression is confirmed by the view of the back cover, vague enough, poised between "Personal development" and "creative use of language." Another dress, same old story. But no.
The title of the original Write for Life (Writing for a living, as the author herself explains on p. 51 of the Italian speaking often overlooked influence of his words). Here's an entirely different flavor, the salt that saves the dish. It turns a poet and writer who has made the writing not just a profession but a way of life, a woman who perpetuate, "writing" for 25 years with this credo: "To my students do not teach a method, but the possibility of a method suitable for them "(p. 13). A woman who knows how to convey passion and rigor, with a language so friendly that always seems to know.
not a classic manual, therefore, as the subtitle would have us believe Italian (which is missing in the original version) A practical guide to creative writing, or a "guide" to Web 2.0, no short cuts or new educational theories and even boring information. Life. "Simply". His. His thoughts, his example, word after word.
Sure, there are exercises (at the end of each chapter as a whole last part of "models" of reference), but go largely unnoticed: those who want to see them read and use them, otherwise it moves on. It is beautiful all the same.
Why not learn much here the "how" or the "what" but "why" , the essence of writing. Not too many superstructures or false idealism. And only after having understood deeply the way, we realize that the "what" and "how" are something other than what you thought.
Nicki Jackowsska, Writing and discover yourself. Practical Guide to Creative Writing , Mondadori, 2000
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